Our responsibility for the environment
Environmentally oriented action is important to us

CO2 balance
- Latest generation trucks, with EURO 6 standard and better
- Frequent training of our drivers in anticipatory, energy-saving and defensive driving techniques
- Annual adjustment of the vehicle components
- Avoidance of empty kilometres
- Extensive use of photovoltaics and thus savings of 130 tonnes of CO2/year - just by using self-generated "real green electricity"
- Sieger des CO2-Awards in Frankreich: "Trophee for the Best Environmental Performance 2019"
Buildings and use of sustainable energy
- Photovoltaics on 1,437 sqm solar surface with 200,000 KWh solar power per year
- Forklift trucks with lithium-ion batteries
- Use of all-electric company cars
- In-house e-charging stations with photovoltaic power for the company's own e-vehicles
- Conversion of lighting to economical LED lamps in all buildings
- Energy refurbishment of the existing administration building
- Heating of the commissioning and office areas and the logistics hall with a heat pump
- Rainwater infiltration of the roof and courtyard area in a water trough

"Green logistics": rail and inland waterway transports
- Direct rail connection to the Kleyling site
- Arrival and departure point for environmentally friendly rail transports
- Short distances to the inland waterway port in Breisach am Rhein (approx. 2 km) and to Ottmarsheim in France (container loading and unloading)
- Designing sustainable and environmentally friendly inland waterway and rail transport from a single source
- Long-time shareholder in the inland port of Breisach
"Green logistics": logistics services
- Offer environmentally friendly and sustainable packaging solutions
- Consulting for sustainable transport and logistics solutions by truck, rail and/or inland waterway vessel
Climate-friendly mobility on business and work trips
- Umstellung aller Kleyling-Geschäftswägen auf E-Modelle
- Support for bicycle infrastructure through BusinessBike, repair station, covered parking spaces, charging facilities for e-bikes, showers, etc.
- Receiving the MobilSiegel 2023 award for climate-friendly mobility with the highest award level of 5 leaves Learn more