Kleyling Spedition GmbH: Meet our new sales team
After more than 47 years with the company, we are saying goodbye to our authorized signatory and sales manager Mr. Klaus Stadelbacher at the end of January 2022 in his well-deserved retirement. Mr. Stadelbacher has shaped Kleyling Spedition for many years and we would like to thank him for his tireless commitment in all areas of our company. We sincerely wish him good health, good luck and the chance to enjoy his retirement to the fullest.
"It is up to us not to fear change, but to embrace it as a task." Joachim Gauk
We are very pleased to inform you that we were able to win Mr. Michael Stabenau as our new Sales Director from November 2021. Mr. Stabenau can look back on more than 30 years of successful sales activities in the forwarding & logistics industry and will in future head the sales department in our company. Mr. Stabenau closes the gap in our proven sales team.

As of now, the following contact persons are at your disposal (in the picture from left to right):
Mr. Michael Muser
Mr. Julien Dubut
Mrs. Desiree Kleyling
Mr. Michael Stabenau
Mr. Raimund Flaschkowatz
Mr. Nicolas Jäger
Projects / Customs consulting
General cargo nat./intern.
Part & full loads intern.
Sales management
Part & full loads DE+CH
Warehouse logistics
In the future, please address any inquiries to the contact persons mentioned - all of them are members of our management circle and enjoy the full confidence and support of the management.
We thank you for your trust and wish you continued good and successful cooperation.